American Drinks.
Rum Riekey,
Put a smalllump of ice into a small glass, add
a dessert-spoonful oflimejuiceand a wine glassful
of rum,and fill up with,iced seltzer water.
Sam Ward's Kiimmel.
Fill a claret glass three parts full with shaved
ice and a little lemon rind, and fill up with
Half fill a large tumbler with shaved ice, add
a wineglassful of brandy, two teaspoonfuls of
Maraschino, one of Angostura bitters, two of
pineapple juice, and castor sugar to taste.
Shake well, strain into another tumbler, add
half a glass of champagne, and serve with one
or two ripe strawberries and a strip of lemon
rind on the top.
Put the strained juice of an orange and halfa
lemon, 2 slices of pineapple,a table-spoonful of
raspberry syrup or vinegar, a gill of brandy, and
sugar to taste into a large tumbler and fill up
with well iced soda water.
Sherry Cobbler.
Half fill a tumbler with shaved ice, add two
teaspoonfulsofstrained orangejuice,one ofsugar
and a gill of sherry, shake weU and serve with a
Silver Dream.
Mix together a wineglassful of good unsweet
ened gin, a teaspoonful of castor sugar, the
beaten white of an egg, a dessert-spoonful of
strained lemon-juice, and a table-spoonful of
shaved ice. Fill up the tumbler with iced
seltzer water.
Silver Fizz.
Well beatthe white of an egg,add a wineglass
ful of gin,and the strained juice of half alemon.
Pour on to half a tumblerful of shaved ice, shake
well, strain into a glass containing a teaspoonful
of castor sugar, and a good pinch of car
bonate of soda, and serve at once.