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Chapter 8

humans (

chapter 3 and 4

) is related to the baseline-dependency of these effects. Whereas the

effect of reward on task switching in humans were only revealed when taking into account

a baseline measure of dopamine signalling, in rodents the effects were revealed without

accounting for individual differences. This discrepancy is possibly explained by the absence

of genetic variation in rodents, caused by the inbred nature of laboratory animals.


chapter 7

we assessed the role of prefrontal modulation of striatal processing during

motivated cognitive control and subsequent action selection. However, the effects of prefrontal

stimulation on the processing of information about motivated cognitive control (without

taking into account response switching) did not reach significance. One potential explanation

for the effect may be related to the nature of the spiralling dopamine connections between the

striatum and the midbrain (Ikeda et al., 2013). The striatum sends inhibitory (GABA-ergic)

projections to the midbrain. These GABA-ergic connections inhibit the dopamine neurons

that project back to the (‘next’ region) in the striatum (

figure 2.1

). If we assume that distinct

SNS projections originate from the ventral striatum, the anterior caudate nucleus, posterior

caudate nucleus and putamen (

figure 2.1

), then I would speculate that the inhibition caused

by stimulation of the anterior prefrontal cortex (reflected by the decrease in reward-related

BOLD response after prefrontal stimulation observed in

chapter 7

), decreased the inhibition

of the projection from the anterior caudate nucleus to the section of the midbrain it projects

to. This part of the midbrain (which in turn projects to the posterior caudate nucleus) will

cause an increase in dopamine signalling in the posterior caudate nucleus (i.e. attenuating

the inhibitory effect of TMS, masking any direct prefrontal modulation of the prefrontal

stimulation). Crucially then, this increased signalling in the posterior caudate will increase

the inhibition on the midbrain and will subsequently decrease dopamine release from the

midbrain to the putamen (reflected by a decrease in BOLD response in the putamen during

the integration of motivation, cognition and action in

chapter 7

). However, this idea is highly

speculative and evidence to substantiate the projections assumed above is currently absent


future research


Future research

Based on the combined evidence presented in

chapter 3, 4, and 5

we propose a role for striatal

dopamine in mediating motivated cognitive control. This claim can be assessed in a number

of ways. First, direct measurements of dopamine signalling in the striatum, for example

using voltammetry or microdialysis in rodents, should reveal increases in striatal dopamine

signalling during motivated cognitive control. Second, age-related dopamine cell loss in

the striatum, measured using molecular imaging (e.g. single photon emission computed

tomography; SPECT) should be related to age-related changes in motivated cognitive control.

This latter approach would parallel the way in which the relationship between motivated

cognitive control and dopamine was previously established in Parkinson’s disease (

chapter 1:

figure 1.2f

(Aarts et al., 2012). Third, in addition to the results of NMDA lesions in
