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General discussion

updating of task-sets in the high reward condition (

chapter 6

) or in maintaining the new

strategy after new learning has taken place (after a successful set-shift and the receipts of a


Rewarded task-switching

In the rewarded task-switching paradigm presented in

chapter 6

, two discrimination tasks

alternate unpredictably on a trial by trial basis and the use of cues is required to determine the

relevant stimulus dimension. This paradigm is the first rodent paradigm that manipulates and

compares reward conditions (i.e. high vs. low reward) and cognitive conditions (i.e. switch vs.

repeat trials). The paradigm parallels the human paradigm (

chapters 3, 4, 5, and 7

; but see


) and the pattern of results in

chapter 6

is generally congruous with our previous

work: Reward can improve cognitive flexibility both in (a genetically determined subset of)

humans and in rodents. The results from the rodent work (

chapter 6

) also fit remarkably well

with the pattern of results in the aging work (

chapter 5

): A reduction in the reward benefit

on task switching was observed both in older adults and in animals with lesions of the ventral

striatum, strengthening the hypothesis that the age-related effects observed in

chapter 5


related to age-related changes in striatal dopamine.

Implications for neuropsychiatry


chapter 4 and 5

we tested the hypothesis that cognitive deficits in ADHD and aging may be

grounded in a deficit to use information about potential gains to adequately allocate cognitive

processes. A similar deficit could underlie cognitive deficits observed in other neuropsychiatric

disorders such as schizophrenia, addiction, Parkinson’s disease and obsessive compulsive

disorder (OCD).

For example, both schizophrenia and OCD have been associated with cognitive deficits


chapter 2

) and changes in the corticostriatal circuitry (Shepherd, 2013). Cognitive deficits in

schizophrenia are thought to be related to hypoactivity in the mesocortical dopamine system,

whereas positive symptoms (e.g. hallucinations and delusions) are thought to be related

to hyperactivity in the dopaminergic nigro-striatal connections and increased dopamine

D2 receptor signalling (Simpson et al., 2010). In line with the work in this thesis, excessive

dopamine D2 receptor stimulation may induce a flexible state, at the expense of the ability to

maintain stable representations (Barch and Ceaser, 2012) decreasing the ability of patients

with schizophrenia to filter out irrelevant input. The repetitive behaviours typically observed

inOCDon the other hand are thought to originate from increased activity in the corticostriatal

circuitry, in particular hyperactivity in the cortex and hypoactivity in the striatum. Combined

with the potential involvement of (at least) dopamine D1 receptor in OCD (Nordstrom and

Burton, 2002), this underlying pathology may yield excessive maintenance of prefrontal

representations, causing the inflexible, repetitive behaviours observed in OCD. In addition,