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and h ealthful properties t o Ca rbonic

Acid Gas, i ts absence mak es it fl a t,

stale and unpalatable, a m1 it should b e

drawn so as to r etain it.

Modern practi ce r ecommends th e

pre ·sure from Liquid Carbonic Gas for

drawing b eer fo r th ese r easons :


will b e k ept in its n a tural sta te

any length of time.

Th e last glass d rawn will be a s good

or better than th e first.

Imported b eer can b e k ept on


Gas whi ch would b e lost will b e r e–

pl aced by t he gas pressure.

Th e extra profi t p er b arrel will mor e

t han pay for t h e gas and outfit.

The n ext b est way t o draw b eer is

by means of a h ydraulic or hand air


Do not keep bottled b eer on ice,

but stand th e bott l es up in the ice b ox

so as to allow th e sediment to settl e,

and wh en serving open car efully ·so as

not to agitate th e contents; and pOlll'

slowly. In ser v ing bottled b eer u se

gl ass la r ge enough to hold th e conten t s

of t he bottle.

In drawing beer or in serving from

bottles b e careful not to allow th e b eer

to bverflow the gla ss a nd run down th o

sides, as it is disagr eeabl e for cus–

tomers to handle a w et glass.

Ale in bottles should ·be stood up and

poured v er y ca r efull y.


should be

served col d; but not k ept in i ce box,

except a supply suffi ci ent for present

d emands. Ales in bulk should be k ept·

in a cool pla ce. Ba r men using draught

al,e' will do well always to consult th eir

b r ewers a s to b est and most mod ern

way to h a ndl e bulk ale, as the brewer

is alway s on the al ert to devise a nd

use th e b est and latest methods.