'HO! •E ltEC!PES
(barrel, cask or k eg) is placed on t he
skid give it ampl e time to settl e before
y ou draw th e vent.
Keep th e storeroom at a t emperature
never below 60 degrees. '!'here is uo
particula-r care required in storing away
bottled goods. Th ey can b e left stand·
iug or laid on th e side. The b et t er
way, however, is to stand th em up on
shelves in rows, keeping each particular
kind of li quor and each brand to–
geth er. Wh en decanting or bottling
any kind of li quor or win e great care
should be t ak en to prevent any kind
of sc11imc11t f rom enterin g th e clecnnter
or bottle.
th e liquo1· or win e is low
in th e packag-0 and shows signs of
cloudiness, draw it all off in one vessel
and filter it into another vessel through
{ne cambric or filtering paper and th en .
decant or bottle.
Do not all ow cockroaches or red ants
to t ak e possession of your bar. As
soon as th ey appear start a war of
extermina tion. Reel ants may be k ept
out of sugar bowls, syrup pitchers, etc.,
1-y sett ing th e bowl or p itcher in a
shallow dish of water so that th e water
will entirely surround th e vessel. But
this is only a t emporary exped ient;
the insects must be exterminated.
Beer should be k ept at a t emperature
of about 40 degrees and in hot weather,
aft er being r eceived, should be k ept in
the cooler for three or fou r days before
b eing tapped.
Coils, runs and tubes should be t hor–
oughly cleaned every f ew clays to pre–
vent their contamin ation .
As b eer owes its refreshing · taste