Nutmeg, grated, 1 drachm.
'ar damom seed, 1 drachm.
Bla ck b erries, 5 gallons.
Mash b erries and put in 5 gallons of
water ; h eat the mixture to a boiling
point, but do not allow it to boil. Then
adcl 11h gallons of white syrup a ncl
pour the whol e mixture into a 10-gallon
keg, and set it in a warm place, k eep–
ing i t full all t he time. After fer–
menting strain, press and add a gallon
of n eutral spirits. T hen filter and bot–
tle wh en clear.
Wine, Cherry.
R ipe cherries, 35 lbs.
B rown suga r, 5 lbs.
·water enough to make 8 gallons.
Fren ch brandy, 11h pints.
Add little y east and put away to
Wine, Currant, Black.
Bla ck curra nts, 5 gallons.
Water, 5 gallons.
Crush ed sugar, 10 l bs., dissolved in
t he water.
H eat the mixture to 100 degrees
F a hrenheit and put it into a 10-gallon
k eg a nd set it in a warm place. Th en
let it ferment and strain and press,
adding 1 gallon of spirits; filter and
bottl e when clear.
Wine, Currant, Red.
Reel currants, 70 lbs., bruised an l
Brown sugar, 10 lbs.
Water; fill up 15-gallon cask.
Wine, Ginger.
Water, 3 gallons.
Sugar, 3 lbs.
Jamaica ginger, 4 oz.
Boil 60 minutes; strain ; add 3 finely-