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service. Whenever you use an impl e–

ment or working a rticle of any kind

put it back in its proper place the mo–

ment you are through with


vVhen drinks are ordered- whether

one, two or a dozen- have the price

well fixed in your mind before serving

- make the calculation quickly whilst

preparing to serve, so that you will not

have to hesitate at the cash r egister.

See t hat you get all that is due you

and be very careful not to give a cus–

tomer short change. With modificat ions

to meet different conditions, these few

essential instructions can be advan–

tageously applied in every first-class

bar; but to formulate a set of rules to

meet the requirements of every bar

business would be practically impos–

sible. Taking, however, t hese instrnc–

t ions as a general guide t he bar man

w ill

in every instance be better able

to act intelligently when called upon to

exercise his common sense and judg–


After twisting l emon peel over a

cock tail t hrow it in or leave it out

as customer may prefer. The fl avor will

be the same in both cases.

W here many cocktails are served in–

stead of mixing sugar for every order,

dissolve a quantity of loaf sugar in bot

water; strain and bottle it and use by

· dashing it from a bitters bottle-

All mixed drinks containing an

effer vescent liquid should be stirred

with a spoon and



When mixing bot drinks use thin

glass, and by placing a spoon in the

glass before pouring in the hot water


will save breakage. Always rinse

the glass wit h bot water befor e mak–

ing the drink in ord er to serve it hot.

Unleeii §erved




