SPDS 09052014 - page 106

Outcome of WG Teleconferences
Need for narrowing current focus on 
purity and adulteration issues
Proceed with 2 SMPRs:
Total Chondroitin/Quantitative Assay 
Method SMPR
Screening/Adulterant Method SMPR
SMPR Drafts Finalized by WG on 
7/16/14 and posted on AOAC website 
for public comments
Applicability of SMPRs
Applicability of Total CS SMPR: 
Quantitative determination of total chondroitin
sulfate salts in dietary ingredients and dietary 
Applicability of Screening Method SMPR: 
Screening method for selected adulterants (as 
identified in Annex I: Target Compounds) in dietary 
ingredients and supplements claiming to contain 
chondroitin sulfate.
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