PaceSetter Book - page 109

Speed Activities
The young athletes should be organised in groups of four or five, to perform a series of reaction
tests. When the ‘on your marks’ command is given the young athlete adopts one of the following
starting positions as instructed by the coach:
Lying on back
head near start line
Lying on front
head near start line
Sat down holding knees
back to start line
Box position
back to start line
Box position
head near start line
On the ‘go’ command, the young athletes must get up from the specified position and run as fast
as they can a distance of approximately 10–20 metres. For all of the tests, the coach should be
positioned in front and to one side of the start line to shout the commands. Understanding the Starter
Understanding the role and responsibilities of the starter is an important consideration for a
sprinter. The starter calls the young athletes to their marks on the command 'on your marks'. At
this stage the Starter's Assistant quickly checks that the young athletes are in the correct position
with their fingers and toes behind the starting line. All the young athletes must be stationary
before the starter will give the next command 'set'. Again the starter will wait for all the young
athletes to be stationary before firing the gun. If there is any fidgeting in either the 'on your
marks' or 'set' positions, the starter may ask the young athletes to stand up before beginning the
starting procedure again.
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