PaceSetter Book - page 112

6.5.1 Hurdle Rhythm Stage One
Right Foot Over
Left Foot Over
The young athlete should first be introduced to hurdling by practising running over markers with
both legs. This can be achieved by allowing the young athlete to run over the markers to encourage
cyclic tall running and rhythm. Markers should be placed approximately one metre apart and ideally
should alternate between two different colours. The young athlete starts at the first blue marker
leading with the right foot and then steps over the red marker with the left foot and continues to
the end of the line of cones. Stage Two
The markers should now be moved so they are approximately two metres apart and two lanes should
be set up. The young athlete runs over the blue markers with the right leg leading, saying ‘down
one’ over each one and returns over the red markers with the left leg leading, again saying ‘down
one’ over each one. This will encourage a good and appropriate rhythm. Stage Three
The markers should be placed approximately four metres apart and the young athlete runs over the
blue markers with the right leg leading he or she takes three strides between them saying ‘down, one,
two, three’ and returns over the red markers with the left leg leading in exactly the same manner.
6.5 Hurdling & Hurdle Drills
Speed Activities
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