PaceSetter Book - page 37

Warm-Up & Cool-Down Activities
Groin Stretch
Sit on the ground with both knees bent and
place the soles of the feet together. Pull the
feet towards the body and allow the knees
to move out to the side. Resting both hands
on the feet, slowly press the knees towards
the ground. Sitting on the hip bones the
posture of the body must remain tall
throughout. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds
and gently release before repeating.
Quadricep Stretch
Standing on the left leg with the knee
slightly bent, grab hold of the right ankle
with the right hand and gently ease the
right heel towards the buttocks. Ensure
the knees are close together, the right knee
is directly facing the ground and press the
hips forwards. Breath in a relaxed manner
and hold the stretch for 10 seconds before
changing legs.
Calf Stretch
Put both hands against the wall at head
height and take a step back with the left
foot. The right foot should then be
brought to join the left foot and then
moved back a step. Both feet should
remain parallel, facing towards the wall,
and the right heel must be pressed
towards the ground. Lean forward by
bending left knee ensuring the heel
remains in contact with the ground.
Breath in a relaxed manner and hold the
stretch for 10 seconds and repeat with
right leg forward.
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