PaceSetter Book - page 41

With the first two parts of the Warm-Up carried out correctly, it is now safe to move to the third part,
in which the athlete specifically prepares his or her body for the demands of the activity in the session.
Activities carried out in this part of the Warm-Up routine should reflect the type of movements and
actions that will be performed in the main part of the session and should therefore be more vigorous
in nature. All athletes will benefit from the inclusion of activity specific drills in their Warm-Up routine
as they help to focus on required movements and related cues later in the session. Activity specific
drills include such things as ‘Walking Tall’ for sprinters and jumpers and ‘Medicine Ball’ work for
throwers. They will be detailed further in the appropriate sections.
3.5 Activity Specific Drills
Warm-Up & Cool-Down Activities
Walking Tall
Chest Push
Soccer Throw
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