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blessings of God rest upon Her. Yet there are endless expressions for that same living water, in

the station of outward manifestation, as this is the necessary condition of the stage of


. 37

Be thou not perplexed by the thought that inasmuch as the outward correspondeth to the inward,

how can it be that the inward is characterized by one modality, whereas the outward possesseth

infinite modes. Yea, there are also divers references for the station of the inward. Amongst them

is the stage of Utter Unity, with no association whatsoever with anything. That is the utmost

inward meaning within the realm of the inward meanings.

Verily, out of the first river is manifested the inner meaning of God’s name “The Seizer” (qábid),

corresponding to the inner mystery of the station of the fire. Next, the river of milk “whose taste

changeth not”, revealeth the outward meaning of God’s name “The Ever-Living” (Hayy). Then,

out of the river of pure honey is manifested the inward meaning of God’s name “The Quickener”

(muhyí). Finally, the river of wine, “delicious to those who quaff it,” discloseth the inner

meaning of God’s name “The Slayer” (mumít).

Thus Hasan, peace be upon Him, is related to the Apostle of God, the blessings of God rest upon

Him, and Husayn, peace be upon Him, to ‘Alí, peace be upon Him. This is the hidden meaning

of the tradition thou hast asked Me on the first night

. 38

After thou hast partaken of a drop of this water

39 ,

thou must know of a certainty that no man can

ever attain perfection in his existence unless he hath achieved the Power to cause all the four

rivers to stream forth in the realm of the true exposition (bayán). Thus God hath conferred upon

Me, as an incontrovertible Testimony, the revelation of all the four rivers. Nay, rather, in a way,

the likened is the same as that whereunto it is likened.


Out of the crystal incorruptible water streameth forth, by the leave of God, the mode of verses

(áyát), which is the most exalted station in the realm of the revelation of words. It is the Most

Great Testimony for those who abide in the ocean (lujjah) of Names and Attributes. Verily, the


This is an example to prove the previous paragraph, that the same Eternal One Kawthar appears as different things

in different stations. Now the same Kawthar appears in the form of kwathar mentioned in the Qur’án which refers to

the station of the Imáms created out of the Fátimih the daughter of Muhammad. This kawthar in turn is inwardly one

and outwardly many.


Husayn is related to ‘Alí because, as the Báb has explained in the Persian Bayán, the mode of rational discourse is

an interpretation of the mode of prayers, while Hasan is related to Muhammad because the mode of interpretation

and sermons is a commentary on the mode of verses.


The Manifestations are the rivers. The believers are those who can partake a drop of those river. The unbelievers

are deprived of that.


Again this is an affirmation of the true exalted station of the Báb.