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That is verily, a hidden mystery with regard to This Station

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I now lift its veil that thou mayest

behold it with the eye of thine heart, as if thou gazest upon a crimson-coloured piece of ruby

upon thy palm:

Shouldst thou behold the arc of descent (maqám-i-nuzúl), thou wouldst see the priority of the

river of crystal incorruptible water over the other three rivers, as they were manifested in the

world in that order. Verily, from the day of Adam, the first wondrous creation of the Primal Will,

streamed forth the crystal incorruptible water, that the divine Unity may be praised: “There is

none other God but Him.”

Then, after the day of the revelation of Muhammad the Apostle of God, the blessings of God rest

upon Him, God made the well spring of the milk “whose taste changeth not” to flow, that it may

be witnessed: “Verily, Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”

Afterwards, in the Day of Ghadír, He made the well spring of pure honey gush forth, that the

souls may testify unto the vicegerency of the Family of God, the Imáms of Faith,

“the Honoured

Servants, They that speak not till he hath spoken, and act according to His commandment.”


Finally, from the Day of the revelation of This Wondrous New Cause, God, glorified and exalted

be He, caused the river of the wine, “delicious to those who quaff it,” to rush out, that the hearts

may acknowledge that which God hath destined for it, This Human Countenance, This

transcendent Temple of ‘Alí (súrati’l-Anza‘íyyah), of eternal Revelation and everlasting


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That is the order of the stations of descent.

Shouldst thou desire to discern the principle of ascent, thou shouldst know that the first stage is

the well spring of wine, then of honey, next of milk and lastly of water. Thus, at the Hour of the

coming together of the two worlds of descent and ascent, streameth forth the well spring of the

Twin Wines, manifesting both Vicegerency and Prophethood within the one and the same


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words of God, as the well spring of Kibrít, Yamín, Barahút, Tabaríyyah, Másídán, Ifríqíyyah, and Bájúrán. (Bihár

3:151) Most of these are mentioned in this work of the Báb.


Namely the truth of the station of the Báb is the same as the truth of Muhammad, even though the same truth can

manifest itself in diverse forms under diverse names. Thus Báb is called the Gate but He really is naught but the

Primal Will. Those four heavens and well springs are diverse stages of divine manifestation.


Namely the station of the Báb Himself.


The Qur’án 21:26. Different parts of the verse are translated by the Guardian in different places.


These are all references to the Báb himself who at first appeared in the name of gatehood, the stage of wine as



Namely the Báb Himself.