of divine justice confess its superior excellence. Verily, the glory amongst the Arabs is in this,
that those who deny the Book of God acknowledge the excellence of its Sermons.
48Verily My sermon is a hidden River, which bubbleth up before the Tabaríyyah well spring. Were
any one to drink a mere cupful thereof, he would discover the manifestations of the inmost
realities of the inmates of the realm of Divinity within the allusions; behold the Countenance of
the revelation of Attributes within both the identities of the dwellers of the world of Dominion
and the signs; and enjoy partaking of pure honey, in the remembrance of both the substances of
the worldly identities and the matters of the selves of the Kingdom
. 49The revelation of such mighty words is indeed understood by the people of truth to be the mark
of a divine Power, inasmuch as the eloquence of a sermon, which floweth in majesty, is the
attribute of the most eloquent desert Arabs amongst the Arabs, and can not be achieved, in pure
natural faith, by any of the philosophers, save when God so willeth.
Sufficient witness unto My divine Power is a single sermon in eloquent words, a survey of the
tokens of knowledge, a glimpse of the Countenance of utter Servitude in prayers, and the
revelation of Divinity, visible in the essence of Servitude, in the form of verses.
50Thou dost recognise all these modes inasmuch as thou hast witnessed with thine eyes the
Supreme Attributes of This “Man”. Verily, the manifestation of the river of pure honey through
these existential rapturous attributes is assuredly supremely more mighty and exalted than its
expression through the Ifrídawsíyyah words, holy revelations, original evidences (shu’únát-i-
jurthúmiyyah), universal verses and Ifríqíyyah well springs
. 51For indeed they all stream forth from the mode of the divine Beauty, whereas the revelation
through My rapturous being is assuredly more precious in glory than any mention of the
Attributes and Names. May God chastise, by His Decree, those who have committed injustice
towards thee
. 52Verily unto God are pleaded all plaints. His is the sovereign right of alteration
This refers to an Arabic proverb saying that the true excellence is that which is acknowledged by the enemies (al-
fakhru má shahidat bihi’l-a‘dá’).
Namely through Báb’s sermons the transcendent reality of spiritual truth becomes visible in the phenomenal
These are reference to all four modes of revelation of the Báb.
The inner heart of the Báb is far superior to any of the manifestations of this Reality, including all the heavenly
rewards and delights. The real heaven is the being of the Báb Himself. The Speaking Book is primary to the Silent
Book, and the Being of the Manifestation is more important testimony than the verses.
The Báb is probably referring to the injustice inflicted upon the people, like Vahíd in this address, who could not
have the bounty of witnessing this supreme Testimony namely the very being of the Báb, because of His
imprisonment and house arrest.