its midmost centre!
54That, verily, is man’s uttermost delightful share, in the realm of dust, of the
worlds of the manifestations of Divinity, evidences of Dominion, stations of the Kingdom, signs
in the world and tokens of the earth.
Here the Báb uses Arabic transliteration of the exact Hebrew words, for the self-definition of God addressed to
Moses “I am that I am, or I would ever be what I would ever be”. This self-definition of God which emphasizes the
impossibility of such definition, and yet affirms the continous revelation of God, is used here by the Báb to
emphasize both the absolute transcendence of God, and the ever-renewed revelation of the Countenance of the
Beloved unto the human hearts. Thus one who has attained such a glorious stage becomes a mirror in whom nothing
can be seen except the Beauty of the Lord. The next part indicates that such a human can see beyond the tabernacle
of this world and witness the transcendent realm even when he is in this world. This is the tabernacle of unity, where
every spot is the seat of divine revelation.