shareth such station. But when it is mentioned as referring to the inward station of the Primal
Will, It then only indicateth that which is bestowed by God upon the Living Imám (Qá’im),
peace be upon Him, and He is peerless in that lofty station.
When it is mentioned as referring to the outward manifestation of Wish (irádih), it hinteth at
naught but that which God hath solely conferred upon ‘Alí, peace be upon Him. But when it is
applied to the inward station of Wish, it only meaneth that which is bestowed by God upon ‘Alí
the Son of Husayn, peace be upon Him.
When mentioned as referring to the outward manifestations of Destiny (qadar), Decree (qadá’),
Permission (idhn), Term (ajal) and the Book (kitáb), it then intendeth naught but that which God
hath conferred upon Fátimih, Hasan, Husayn, Músá and Ja‘far, the blessings of God rest upon
Them. However, when it is mentioned as referring to the inward station of those holy
Manifestations, it solely pointeth to that which is bestowed by God upon Muhammadu’l-Báqir,
‘Alí, Muhammad, ‘Alí and Hasan, the blessings of God rest upon Them. None besides Them can
partake of the crystal, incorruptible water that is quaffed by Them.
The same principle is true with regard to the physical manifestations of that crystal water. Thus,
whoso thinketh that the Imám, peace be upon Him, quaffeth of the same water whereof all the
people drink, he, verily, hath denied the power of God in regard to Them. The truth of this secret
is that the manifestation of the crystal incorruptible water is Their inner truth and mystery,
inaccessible to all others. When it occureth in the physical realm of limitation, people fail to
discern its reality, even as they confound their ordinary human bodies with the sacred bodies of
the Imáms. However, he who recogniseth Their true station, knoweth that God continueth to
preserve for Them in this world that which He hath conferred upon Them above the earth. None
other besides Them drinketh of that crystal water even if it may appear amongst the ordinary
waters used by the people….
Shouldst thou recognise the inner mystery of this truth, thou wouldst be persuaded with certainty
that the crystal river of incorruptible water is the paradise of the Family of God, and that it is
strictly confined to Them in this world as it is in the world to come. None besides Them can
comprehend Their supreme share of bounties that is destined for Them by God in paradise. For
verily, They have been, from time immemorial, the Daysprings of divine Action, and all but
Them are the mere effects of that Action.