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In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

…. “O Thou the Remembrance! Grant Thou unto this questioner the true exposition (bayán),

subsequent to the revelation of this verse of the Qur’án: “We verily have conferred upon Thee

the Kawthar fount of abundance. Therefore pray unto Thy Lord, and sacrifice. Verily it is Thine

enemy who will be without posterity.”


For verily this questioner is enjoined to seek guidance

from Thee by this divine word: “

Ask ye, therefore, of them who are in custody of the scripture

(People of the Remembrance)

, if ye know it not



Thus questioning is our duty and answering

Thy favour.



Know thou that God verily hath revealed the Qur’án, even as the creation of all things, so that

should a tiny ant desire, in this day, to unravel all its verses, its abstruse meanings, and its

stations, through the very black of its own eye, its wish will no doubt be fulfilled, inasmuch as

the mystery of divinity and the effulgence of eternal might vibrateth within the innermost being

of all created things.


Verily each letter of the Qur’án is invested with as many manifest meanings (tafsír) as the

number of the atoms of all things that are embraced by the knowledge of God. And each one of

these manifest meanings hath a hidden meaning (ta’víl), and each of these hidden meanings

possesseth an inward meaning (bátin), and each inward meaning containeth an inner inward

meaning (bátin-i-bátin), and so on as God willeth….

Shouldst thou abide in the land of Divinity (láhút), and recite this blessed verse in the midst of

the Ocean of absolute Unity, beyond the Sea of Dominion (jabarút), thou must know of a

certainty that verily all the letters of this verse are but one single letter, and that all the

differences of its words and meanings turn unto the One Single Point. For verily this is the

station of the heart and the fane (mash‘ar) of unity. God hath created its elements out of the one


The Qur’án 108:1-3.


The Qur’án 21:7. For the word ahla’dh-dkikr, I added to Guardian’s translation the word “people of the

Remembrance” in parenthesis, in order to show the contextual relation to the Báb, who is called Remembrance in

the same sentence.


This entire paragraph is in fact the words of Vahíd who requested the revelation of this Commentary. The Báb is

quoting him in the early segments of His text.


This passage is very similar to the passage quoted of the Báb in the writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, translated by the
