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The inductive heating plant at Rohrwerk

Maxhütte GmbH, supplied by SMS

Elotherm, went into full-scale production

in summer 2008. The order to supply this

facility for the preheating and reheating of

shells had been placed with SMS Elotherm

in summer 2007.

The preheating system comprises a

medium-frequency supply system with

a capacity of 3,600kW at a frequency of

2,000Hz. It feeds two inductors that are

tandem-arranged between the roller tables

ahead of a gas-fired furnace.

After running through the inductive

preheating system, the shells undergo

further heating in the gas-fired furnace. On

this, they are heated over their full length

inside the downstream inductive reheating


Rohrwerk Maxhütte had requested that

the insufficient performance of the gas-

fired furnace be increased while limiting

the temperature load on the furnace during

the process, and that the

temperature differences over

the shell length be eliminated.

There are two systems provided

for inductive reheating, each

equipped with one inductor

having a capacity of 1,800kW

at 1,000Hz. Inductive reheating

ensures an optimal and

equalized temperature over the

full length of the shells.

Profibus facilities connect the

converters with the PLC control

and the visualization system as well as

the entire process. Temperature control of

the plant is implemented via temperature

cameras and speed signals that are issued

by the laser measuring instruments and a

measuring device.

SMS Elotherm’s excellent references in the

field of heating plants markedly contributed

to receipt of the order. The customer had

the opportunity to inspect latest plants and

equipment, for instance the new seamless

tube plant supplied by SMS Meer to

Byelorussian Steel Works (BMZ) in Belarus.

Also in operation at BMZ are inductive

stirring facilities as well as an inductive

heating plant from SMS Elotherm.

SMS Elotherm GmbH

– Germany


: +49 2191 891 726





Inductive heating plant in operation

at Rohrwerk Maxhütte

Inductive heating plant with a capacity of 2 x 1,800kW for reheating

shells (Rohrwerk Maxhütte photo)