March 2014 Beacon - page 32

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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Discussion was held about getting the minutes to the membership quicker. Possibly sending
out the Beacon after the board meeting and the approval of the minutes.
Moved by Don Reiss to approve the minutes. Seconded by PC Hugh Vestal.
Motion Carried.
Commodore’s Comments:
Commodore, John Anderson
Thank you everyone for your attendance this evening. Between work, our private lives and the
weather these days, it's a wonder we have time for anything else. But we're here and taking
care of the business of our Club. We will see the fruits of our labor soon and it will make it all
worth our effort.
I want to thank everyone that attended the Commodore's Ball. A lot of you pitched in and
helped with things. Most importantly, I hope that you all enjoyed yourselves there. It was you
being there that made it the good time that it was for me.
It's a slow time of the year right now. Not much activity going on. I'm using this time now for
planning and setting up for the summer ahead of us. Once things start for the season with the
Club, there will only be time for doing. The planning and paperwork need to be done now.
I have to put a 'plug' in for ABA and our PC Rick Romatz who's Rear Commodore for that
organization. PC Rick is organizing this Spring Rendezvous for ABYA at Midland this year. If at
all possible, I hope that you can attend this event and give Rick the support that he needs to
pull this off . NCYC has always been a leader in attending the Spring Rendezvous for them and I
hope that we can continue in this tradition.
Vice-Commodore’s Comments:
Vice Commodore, Brian McEvoy
I am happy that we are getting closer to warm weather. This is an important meeting because
we are going to approve our committee members. These people are the behind the scenes
people that help us do our jobs. Thanks to John for a wonderful ball and a great time at the
Commodores Ball. I look forward to a great summer.
Rear-Commodore’s Comments:
Rear Commodore, Chuck Stroh
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