March 2014 Beacon - page 37

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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and see how we can get more money from buying things through Amazon. Commodore
John thanked Brent for doing such a good job on the Beacon.
Secretary – Randy Pagel
Randy sent out letters to our sister yacht clubs inviting them to come and visit our Club.
Randy only received one response back and it was from Wyandotte Yacht Club. The
work schedules have been sent out, but we still need people to work on several
weekends. Contact Randy to request your weekend.
Supplies – PC Hugh Vestal
PC Hugh stated that sales were down last year at the bar. A discussion was held on the
sales. Since PC Hugh will be out of town for the March meeting, he will be discussing
pricing options at the April meeting. PC Hugh also stated that the food pricing needs to
be addressed.
Transportation – Pat Carroll
Pat has been spending quite a few hours on Fin I. It should be in the water by the end of
April. It will be mechanically sound.
Fleet Captain - Ian Blackburn
July Rendezvous:
July 18,19,20 2014. Location is Club Island.
Theme: Island Swap.
For incoming CRBC the rules will be: Limit the number of boats to 30. Sizes will be one
54' and the rest would be 40' or under. $60 for the "pay one night" and get the other
free. We will be supplied with a list of CRBC boats attending. Greg and Yvonne Murray
have agreed to be on our island and be the Harbor Master and NCYC/CRBC liaisons.
Moved by VC Brian McEvoy to allow CRBC to come to the island with the above
rules. Seconded by Don Reiss.
Motion Carried.
August Rendezvous:
August 15, 16, 17 2014. Location is Milliken State Harbor.
Theme: Tigers Game
The response has been awesome. We currently have 24 boats interested and requests
for 56 game tickets.
September Rendezvous:
September 19, 20, 21 2014
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