March 2014 Beacon - page 33

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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Although RC Chuck Stroh was unable to attend our Board Meeting, he did send this message to
the Board through Commodore John Anderson.
I would like you to speak for me at the RC comments portion of the Board Meeting. Please
thank all of the members that are showing their true NCYC DNA of volunteerism and sweat
equity by jumping into the board spots and taking on week managers and weekend OD duties.
I personally thank them and the entire club membership does as well, I am sure.
Also, please ask the board to keep in mind how truly fantastic NCYC was treated on the Toledo
Club Crawl last fall. That if we can live up to their standards, we will be making a very strong
name for our club and make it standout even more as the best club on the lakes. Please think
of this when deciding to bring other clubs to NCYC.
Financial Report:
Treasurer, Frank Corcoran
Treasurer, Frank Corcoran, discussed the Profit and Loss reports detail for the month of January
2014. The report showed a summary by class or function. January 2014 net income was
$4,089. This included income from the Commodore Ball, winter storage in parking lot, and
paver brick sales. The expenses included expenses from the Commodore Ball, utilities,
insurance payments and interest expense for the loans. RC Chuck Stroh did a great job of
getting the files together. RC Chuck and Frank spent some time cleaning up the quick book
files. Previously the Club activity was reported on Quick Books and Excel, going forward the
activity will only be reported using Quick Books. New reports by class will be sent out to the
directors in March using the Quick Book format. A discussion was held on how to communicate
expenses to Frank. Going forward, Frank requested that all receipts be sent electronically. This
will cut down on paperwork and make it easier to track by category. Frank provided an
overview of the decrease in profitability of the bar from 2012 to 2013 and highlighted some key
factors. Following discussion, the Board required additional analysis be provided at the April
Moved by PC Hugh Vestal to approve the financial report. Seconded by Brent Malik.
Motion Carried
ABYA Report:
P/C Don Vanover
The last meeting was held at Captain Jacks on February 3, 2014. Please note that the ABYA
meetings are not closed meetings, anyone can attend. The guest speaker was John Kasinski,
MSO (Marine Safety Officer) of the Macomb County Sheriff Reserve Association. They will be
having a fund raiser on May 13, 2014. There are only 2 paid staff members in this organization,
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