March 2014 Beacon - page 35

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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Activities - Bob Carnaghi
Sand Point is requesting a date to visit our island. Bob Carnaghi will contact them with available
Clubhouse - Rich Goodman
PC Bob Watson has offered to help Rich find a good price on a new dishwasher for the
kitchen. Rich will contact him to see if he has any leads. The Ancient Mariners have
agreed to purchase a new microwave and a new sink and faucet for the apartment. Rich
is still looking for someone who has a contact to help with the new flooring. Help is
needed the second week in April to pull out the old cabinets.
Harbor & Grounds – Don Reiss
A check will be sent this week to PLM Lake & Land for the weed control around the
island. The spraying should be done in early June and in August. Commodore John will
check with Kathleen McCann to see if she would be interested in doing the flowers
around the island again this year. A fan out will be sent to the membership to see if
anyone is interested in taking charge of doing the flowers around the NCYC sign. Don
will contact Waste Management to see if we can get our trash pickup day changed from
Monday to Tuesday.
Membership- Brian Malik
Brent Malik presented the report in Brian Malik's absence.
Jim Schebil sent letter requesting a transfer of status from Boating to Senior Boating. A
check was sent for the full $700 dues and he owes $100 for work or pay. If the change
of status is approved, he would like a refund of the funds.
Moved by PC Don Vanover to approve the change of status and refund the
remaining $250. Seconded by PC Hugh Vestal.
Motion Carried.
Bob & Kim Mann sent a letter stating that after a two year leave of absence, they would
like to be reinstated into the Club. They are requesting Non Boating status and sent a
check for $350.
Moved by VC Brian McEvoy to reinstate Bob & Kim Mann as Non Boating
members. Seconded by Don Reiss.
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