March 2014 Beacon - page 36

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
Page 6 of 10
Motion Carried.
Randall Rutkofske sent a letter requesting to resign from the Club in good standing.
Moved by Bob Carnaghi to accept Randall's resignation in good standing.
Seconded by PC Hugh Vestal.
Motion Carried.
Larry Stone sent a second letter of resignation. He stated that the first letter was sent in
the fall of 2012. In order to do some checking, this request was tabled until next month.
A letter was received by Cliff Harlick requesting to resign from the Club.
Moved by PC Hugh Vestal to accept Cliff's resignation in good standing.
Seconded by PC Don Vanover.
Motion Carried.
Tim & Sharon Mazurek sent a letter requesting a Leave of Absence for one year. Their
boat will be out of the water for the summer.
Moved by VC Brian McEvoy to approve the Leave of Absence for Tim Mazurek.
Seconded by Bob Carnaghi.
Motion Carried.
Cheri and Tom Mallies sent a letter requesting to resign.
Moved by PC Hugh Vestal to make Cheri and Tom honorary members.
Seconded by Bob Carnaghi.
Motion Carried.
There are 4 new member applications, they are waiting to be interviewed.
John Sweier, Jerry Krist, William Heller, and Phillip Maniaci.
A request from Tom Martin to be reinstated under his old membership number so he
will qualify for Senior status. He was previously a member for 20 years and a board
member for three terms.
Moved by Bob Carnaghi to reinstate Tom Martin with his old membership
number. Seconded by PC Hugh Vestal.
Motion Carried.
Publications- Brent Malik
Brent wanted to thank the Board and Flag for offering direction with getting the Beacon
out in a timely manner. A discussion was held on how to store the electronic Beacons
more cost effectively. Brent will look into our options. Brent will check with Amazon
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