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this humane and benevolent work, and contributions w ill

be thankfu lly received' by any o f its members.

Mademoiselle de Bille


2, Great Cumberland Street, W.

Baroness Hambro,

Roehampton, S■ W.

Mrs. Westenholz,

Stone Castle, Kent.

Mrs. Bushby


3, Halkin Street, Belgrave Square S. W.

Mrs. Walter B erry,

6 , Carlton Terrace, Edinburgh.

Mrs. Theodore Borries



Mrs. A. R. Caroe,

Marsh Lane Bootte, near Liverpool.

Mrs. Clements Good,


A. Westenholz


26, Mark

The Hon. Mrs. Henry Byng,

5, St. James’s Square, S. W.

Mrs. K err,

50, Warrior Square, Hastings.

Madame S. Auguste Gosch,

58, Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park.

Mrs. Rowan,

3, Fulham Place, Maida Hill.

Mrs. Chr. Borries



Mrs. Herman Erichsen,


Mrs. Dykes,

Union Bank, Wakefield.

Mrs. Edward I. Mynster,

The Knock, near Belfast.

Esq. Treasurer,

Lane, E. C.


Miss Frederick Rowan,

3, Fulham Place, Maida Hill, W.

Rev. J. Plenge,

33, GreatCoramStreet, Russell Square, W. C.

Rev: fames Mansell,

7. York Street, Portman Square, W.

Contributions will also be received by the following Bankers:

Messrs. Smith


Payne 6


Smith, London.

Barnett, Hoares

Co., London.

Samuel Smith Brothers & Co., Hull.




., Newcastle-on-Tyne, C


their Branches.

The Manchester & Liverpool District Bank

its Branches.

The Bank o f Scotland and its Branches throughout Scotland.

The Provincial Bank o f Ireland and its Branches throughout Ireland.

February iyth 1864..