OMB Meeting Book_9-11-14 - page 136

Study Director Response
At the beginning of AOAC 2011.18 there is a caution to refer to material safety
data sheets of chemicals and to use and follow safe handling procedures and
the suggested personal protective equipment.
See Question 1, Comment 6, Study Director Response.
sure complete
See Question 1, Comment 6, Study Director Response.
See Question 2, Comment 2, Study Director Response.
See Question 2, Comment 2, Study Director Response.
olysis, 3) the addition
iolate reaction. Was
Chloroform should
ring using.
2 CarboPac
ystem. Is it
osphatidylinositol ?
AOAC 2011.18 requires column switching. A similar method that uses a
gradient has been also been developed, AOAC 2012.12. SPIFAN SMPR defines
inositol as free myo-inositol and phosphatidylinositol only.
od to use this for
es from clients that
lank injections after
electrode as well
l analysis need
e rinse through the
termine the amount
ll beaker, and insert a
til the sample pH is
Any changes to the SPE cleanup procedure would need to be evaluated before
changes are made to the method. A guide for determining the amount of acid
need to adjust sample pH to 4.5 can be added to the method.
ten? If so, please specify and submit information.
in step heat is just
s to the AOAC First Action Method as written?
Study Director Response
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