Pousse Cafe,
A sherry
w ine-g/aHS.
One-half glass l\faraschino.
One-s ixth glass ras pberry syrup.
One.s ixth glass >anilln.
One-s ixth gla:;s Curacoa.
One s ixth glass Char t l'eus e.
One-s ixth glass brandy.
In compounding t he above us e a s mall wine-glass fol'
pour l11 g in each arLit.,Je separ at ely; be very ca reful in doing
s o that eac h port ion may be separate. Ser ve witho ut
Boil a large ke t tle of st rong black coffl'e, take a large
dis h and put four pou nds of s ugar into iL; then pour four
bottles of brandy a n<\ two bottles of J a maica rnm over the
s ugar, and set it on fi re, le t t he s ugar dissolve and d1·op
into t he black coffee ; stir this well and you will have a
good hot punch.
Brandy and Rum Punch.
large liar
Take one tablespoonful of powd••red whit e s ugar, dis-
solved in a litt le wate r.
One wine-glass of Sant a Cruz rum.
One .half wine-glass or bran dy.
Jnieo of hnlf of
smnll lemon.
One slice of orange (cut in qua r ters ).
One piece of pineapple .
Fill t he t umbler \Y )t h s haved ice, s ha ke well, and dress
the top with s liced limo and berries in season. Serve with
s traw.