51.xty -Nioth Regiment Punch.
In earthen mug.
' take half wine-gla ss of Iris h w h is k ey.
Half wine-g lass or Scot c h whiskey.
One teas poonful of s uga r.
A small piece of lemon rin d .
Two wine-glasses of boilin g h o t water .
St. Charles' Punch.
U8e large bar gltuJ.q.
tt'ake one teaspoonful of powde r e d w hite s ugar, dis-
solved in a liltle wa t er.
One wine-glass
P o r t win e.
One pony glass of brnndy .
The juice of a quarte r of a l emon.
Fill the tumbler with shaved Ice s hake w e ll, orna ment
with fruits In season, and serve
a straw .
Sherry Punch.
Use large bar glaas.
Take two wine-glasses of s h e ri·y.
One teaspoonful of s ug a r.
One slice of orange:
One slice of lemon.
with bhavPd ice, shake well, a n d o rna men t
es ln season. Serve with a s traw.
Use large bar glass.
ake one tablespoonful of s ugar.
One wine-glass of brandy.
The juice of quarter of a lemon.
. FU! the tumbler with s haved Ice, s hake we ll, o rnamcn (,
or two slices of lemon and flavor w ith a fe w d rops
of vanilla extract.
This ls ndeliclous drink, and s hould be lmbib<'cl t hr oug h
a g lass tube or straw.