Put all together a nd when nearly cool strnin a nd add
fifteen pounds brown s ugar. Alter which cut h alf ounce oil
of cloves and half ounce oil ciunamon in four o uncE's aJcohol.
When lukewarm, put in one pint of yeast nm! in fHteE'n
hours skim and filter it.
bottled, t ie, corks d own care–
Lincoln Club Guzzle.
One bottle g inger ale.
One pony Santa Croix rum.
Mix well .
Punch a la Ford.
For bottling.
Two pounds of lour s ugar.
Three dozen lemons.
One pint of Cognac.
One pint of Jamaica rum.
Tho lrmons should have smooth rinds; peel t ho yellow
rinds off quite thin with a s harp knife, place t hem in an
earthen metal; arid the s ugur, a nd stir t horoug hly
fo 1·
n •;trly
half an hour to extract tho essentia l oil. Pou1· on boiling
water, and st ir until the sugar is complet ely dissolved.
Cut and squeeze the
len~ on,
straining the j uice from tho
pits. Place the pits in a j ug and po ur boiling water upon
t hem
mucilage from t hem . P our o ne-half of
the lemon juice into t he syrnp, strain the water from t he
pits, and add it also to the syrup, ta.king car e that the syrup
is not too watery.
Next, add more s ugar or lemon juice,
make t h e m ix–
ture according to the taste.
Lastly, add and stir in the above amount
epirits into
overy three quarts of lemonade, and bottle. Keep in a cool