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Hot Apple Toddy.

A hot apple toddy glaBB.

Half tablespoon sugar.

Half a baked apple.

One wine-glass apple-jack.

FIU balance with bot water.

, Mix

well, using a s poon,


a little nutmeg on top.

Serve, leaving the spoon in the glass.

Brandy Toddy.

One teaspoon sugar dissolved in a lltt lo water.

One brandy.

One lump ice.

Stir with a spoon.

For hot brandy toddy omit tho ice a nd use hot water.

Tom and Jerry.

Uae punch-bowl for the mixture.

Take twelvt1 fresh eggs.

. Half small bar glass of Jamaica ruru.

One and n half teaspoonfuls of g l'ound cinnamon.

Half teaspoonful of gl'ound cloves.

Half teaspoonful of grouud a lls pice.

Sufficient fine white suga1-.

Beat the whites of t he Pggs to a s tiff froth, a nd the

yolks until t hey are as thin as water, t hen mix togethe r

and add the s pice and rum, stil· up thorough ly, and thicke n

wltli s ugar until the mixture attains the consistence



light batter.