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Whiskey Smash.

Large /Jar glWJB.

Hall tablespoon sugar.

Two or three sprigs mint, pressed t o extrm·t

essence, as in a jule!J.

Half IHI gluss with fin e Ice.

One wine-glass whis key.

Stir well ; stra in into a fancy or sou1· glass ; dr ess with a

little fruit, berries, etc. Serve.

Stone Fence.

Use large /Jar glaBB.

Take one wine-glass of Bourbon o r rye whis key.

'fwo or t hree small Jumps of ice.

Fill up the glass wit h sweet cider.

A Suydam.

One dash orange bitters.

One dash AngoAturn. bitters.

Then ha nd thn bottle of llquor out and let customer

help himself. This


an appetizer.

Brandy Shrub.

To make three IJILarta.

Take two quarts of brandy.

One quart of Shen y .

Two pounds of loaf s ugar dissolved in suf–

ficient wat er.

Fh-e lemons.

P eel t he rinds of two of the lemons, add the juice of all

five, and mix with t he brandy. Cover it close for t h ree

days ; then aJd the Sherry nod sugar, s train t hrough a jelly

bag, and bottle.