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Brandy Sour.

Use small bar glass.

Take one large teaspoonful of powde red wh ite s uga r,

dissolved in a little Apollina ris or s eltzer water-.

The juice of ha lf a lemon.

One das h o f Curncon,.

One wine-g lass of brandy.

Fill the glass with s haved icf', s ha ke, and strni n into a_

Claret glass. Ornament with orange a nd berries.

Jersey Sour.

Use small bai· glo.'18.

Take one large teaspoonful of powdered wh it e s ugar,

dissolved in a little water.



three dashes of lemon jui ce.

One wine-glass of apple-jack.

Fill the glass with shaved ice, s hake up, and strain Into

a Claret glass. Ornament with berrif's.

Sherry and Egg.


whiBl>ey glass.

Onl1 egg, Ice cold.

One wine-glass Sherry wine.

Before drnpping in the egg, covei· t he bottom of t he

~l ass

wi1h a little Sherry. This will prPvc nt t he egg ad her-

111g to the glass; or, after preparing t he egg ns a bove, set

the hottle of Sherry before the cus tomer a nd a llow him to

help himself.

Scotch Whiskey Skin.

A small





Scotch whis ke y.

Fill glass hnlf full with hot water, put u piece of lemo n

peel on top anti serve.