Brace Up.
Use a large bar glass.
One tnblPsponnful of whlto s ugar.
'l'wo t> r three dashes of bitters .
Two o t· t hree dashes of lemon juice.
Ono dash of lime juice.
T wo da.s hos or anisette.
T hree-qua.rte rs of a glass of brandy.
R n.If g la.ss of s haved ice.
Shake this up t ho rough ly in
s ha.ker, strain It Into n
la rge g lns s , anti fi ll with Vichy or Apollinnris water, and
serve .
Brace Up Saratoga.
large bm· glaas.
One tablespoonful or floe white sugar.
T wo or t h ree das hes or Boker's bitters.
Three o r four clas hos of lime juice.
Two das hes of absir tl:e.
Ono fresh egg.
One wine-glass of brandy.
Two sma.li lumps ol
Shake th oroug hly, stm!n into nnother glass, and fill
with seltzer wntet-.
Use large soda glass.
T ak e one anrl a lmlf pony glasses of brandy.
Ono pony gluss Ouracoa (rerl).
Fill tho gla.ss one-I hird full or ice cream.
Mix thoroughly anti fill t ho glnss nParly fu ll wiLh plain
soda.. Grate
little nutmeg on top and st1rve.