three gal!ons capacity; cover closoly a nd lcL iL st..nnd for
eight. dnys.
Filter the liquor, and udd it
tho sol11Lion of oil and
ammonia. Bottle rnr 11sP.
'fhis quantity is sufficie nt. for flavoring o ne hundred
gallons or brandy.
Tincture of Lemon Peel.
Cut Into small chips tho peel of twt!Ivo large lemons.
P ince in
glass jar and pour ovor it o no gal lon s piri L,i, 70
per cent. L et it s tand 1111Lil tho lc m.>u peel hus all s unk lo
Lho bottom or lho liquor.
is the n r eady for use wilhuut
either flltering or straining.
Tincture of Orange Peel.
Take one pound or dried orn11gc peel (ground).
One gallon of spirits (95 poi· cen t.).
Pince them in a closely corked vessel for Len days.
Strnh1 a nd bottle for use.
Tincture of Cloves.
Take one pound of grcund clo,·cs; wu1·111 over n flrP
until qulle hot, and put them quickly iuLu a
on one gullon 95 per cont. alcohol ; cove r t hem air-LighL,
a nd let stand for ten days. Drnw off into bottles and close
with cork.
Tincture of Cinnamon.
Pince two pounds of ground cinnILmon inlo a jar with
one ga.llon 95 per c1•nt. alcohol, closely covered. AL tho e nd
or eight days s train the llquor clea1·; wash the scd i111c11t
with one quart proof s pirl tE; strain it ; mix th e two liqtw ro
together, nod fillet· throug h blotting pape1·.