" PiclcaMemUp" Bitt e rs .
Ono uu11ce Angoslura bark.
Ono ounce ora nge peel.
One ounce lemon peel.
Hai r ou11ce ehi1 eta.
Ha.If o unce chamomile flowers .
Quarter ounce carclumo111seed s.
Quarte r ounce ci11 numon bark.
Quarter o unce carraway seeds .
F our pounds rais in s.
Ono and a ha lf gallons s pirits
(11 U .
Macerate for a mont h; Lhen press a nd filter.
Angostura Bitters .
Four ounces Angos t ura bark.
One ounce chumornilc nuwe1·s .
Qua 1ter ounce carcl umom seeds.
Quarter ounce ciunamo11 bark.
Oun uu uce orauge
ped .
0110 pound rais ins.
T wo ull(l a hair gallons proof s pirit.
Alace1ale fo ra month ; t hen pross a11d filte r.
Esse nce of Bitters.
Hair puuud orange peel, dried.
Qua 1Lcr pounf( orange apples.
Hair pound gontiau ruot .
Quarlet· pound lemon peel, g rot1nd to powder.
Mac<'ralti ror ten days. Add one gtll lou of pure spit"lt.
SLra.n wiLh
prel:lbUre.Add one qua1·t of soft wa ter.