Essence of Bourbon Whiskey Punch.
Take four and a half gallons of Bourbon whiskey.
Three gallon s of plain syrup.
Hair pi 11t tincture of lemon peel.
H alf pint tinetu re of orange peel.
'£hrco ounces tincture of allspice.
FiYo dosscrl-s poonfuls t incture of clovee.
Mix I.ho t inctures t horoughly with t.he whiskey and then
add tho syrup.
Essence of Arrack Punch for Bottling.
Tako ono a nd n half gallon of Batavia Arrack.
Thrne gallons of s pirits (70 per cent.).
Thrfle gallons of plain syrup.
Half pint of tincture of lemon peel.
all together, and it is r eady for immediate use.
Essence of Claret Wine Punch for Bottling.
ve gallons o[ Ularet wine.
'£wo and a huU gallons of spirit (70 per cent.).
Three gallons of plain syrup.
One pint of tincture of lemon peel.
pint of raspben y j uice.
Ono ounce of tartaric acid.
Ono and a bulf ouncPs of tincture of clovE'S.
Ono and a imlf ounces ot t i11 cture of cinnamon.
F irst d issolve t he tRrtaric acid in a small portion of t he
spirits .
the tl ncturos with t he remalndPr
the s pirits.
Pour the two mixtures toge1her, and add the remainiµg
. inl? rndionts.