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313. Spring Beer.

small bunches of sweet fern,

do. do. sarsaparilla.

winter green,


prince pine,

spice wood.

8 gallons of water boiled down to 6 gallons of decoc

tion or extract; strain; 4 gallons of water boiled down

to 3 gallons of decoction," with y,a lb. of hops; strain;

mix the two extracts or decoctions together; dissolve in

them r gallon of molasses, and, when cooled to .80"'

(degrees) heat, 114 lb. of roasted bread,soaked in fresh

brewers' yeast; fill up a lo-gallon keg; when fermenta-

bon is over mix with it the white of one egg beaten to

froth; bung it, and bottle when clear.

314. Spruce Beer.

gallons of water boiled; let it cool to So^' (de

grees) heat, and then dissolve 9 lbs. of sugar in it,

having previously mixed with it i ounce of essence of

spruce; then add i pint of good brewers' yeast, and

jiour It in a lo-gallon keg till fermentation is over; then

add a handful of brick powder and the white of 2 eggs

beaten to a froth: mix with the beer, and let it stand

till clear, then bottle.

315. Stomachic Beverage.

lo gallons of boiling water.

ID ounces of cream of tartar.

15 do. ground ginger.

10 lemons, cut in shces.

