see pages I to 6.
piece of lemon, the juice of which must be pressed in
the class.
143. Gin Sour.
(Use small bar glass.)
The gin sour is made with the same ingredients as the
gin fix, omitting all fruits, except a small piece of lemon,
the juice of which must be pressed in the glass."j"
* The Santa Cruz fix is made by substituting Santa Cruz rum in-
stead ofbrandy.
f The Santa Cruz sour is made by substituting Santa Cruzrum
instead ofgin. In making fixes and sours be careful and put thelem
on skin in the glass.
145. Rum Flip
—Which Dibdin has immortalized as the favorite bever-
age of sailors (although we believe they seldom indulge
in it)—is made by adding a gill of rum t"o tlie beer, or
substituting rum and water, when malt liquor cannot be
be procured. The essential in "flips" of all sorts is, to
produce the smoothness by repeated pouring back and
forward between two vessels, and beating up the eggs
well in the first instance; the sweetening and spices ac
cording to taste.
146. Rum Flip.
(Another method.)
Keep grated ginger and nutmeg with a little fine dried
lemon peel, rubbed together in a mortar.
To make a quart of flip:—Put the ale on the fire to
warm, and beat up three or four eggs with four ounces
of moist sugar,a teaspoonful of grated nutmeg or ginger
and a gill of good old rum or brandy. When the ale is
near to boil, put it into one pitcher, and the rum and