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Mix well, ornament with berries in season, and cool

with shaved ice.

177. Locomotive.

Put two yolks of eggs into a goblet with an ounce of

honey, a little essence of cloves, and a liqueur-glass of

Curafoa; add a pint of Burgundy made hot, whisk

together, and serve hot in glasses.

178. Bishop.


A favorite beverage, made with claret or port. It is

prepared as follows: roast four good sized bitter oranges

till they are of a pale brown color, lay them in a tureen,

and put over them half a pound of pounded loaf-sugai,

and three glasses of claret; place the cover on the tu

reen and let it stand until the next day. Whenrequiied

for use, put the tureen into a pan of boiling water, press

the oranges with a spoon, and run the juice through a

sieve; then boil the remainder of the bottle of claret,

taking care that it does not burn; add it to the strained

luice and serve it warm in glasses. Port wine will an

swer'the purpose as well as claret. "Bishop" is some

times made with the above materials, substituting lem

ons instead of oranges, but this is not often done when

claret is used. See recipe in ''The Manual for ike

Manufacture of Cordials, etc.," at the latter part of this


179. Bishop.

(Another recipe.)

Stick an orange full of cloves, and roast it before a

fire. When brown enough, cut it in quarters, and pour

over it a quart of hot port wine, add sugar to the taste,

let the mixture simmer for half an hour.