Manufacture of Corbiale,
Xiquors, dFancy Setups, Etc.
To Clarify Loaf-Sugar and make
Take a copper pan,and put into it your sugar, broken
in small pieces. The pan should be sufficiently large to
billow the scum to rise a little without boiling over. One
pint of water to every two pounds of sugar may be
added. Beat up the whites of two eggs (if you ar''
clarifying about ten pounds of sugar, or mix in this
proportion), until it is very frothy, and then mix in
with the rest. Now place the pan on the fire, and have
ready some cold water. When the mixture begins to
boil and rise to the top of the pan, throw in a little of
the water to prevent the sugar running over.
You must let the sugar rise three times before com
mencing to skim it, each time cooling the mixture by
the cold water just spoken of. The fourth time the
sugar rises, skim it completely, and drop the cold water
gently in as occasion may require, continuing to take'
the scum* off (which is rather white), until no more
it dill