4. Color, Yellow.
Mix lb. American saffron, cut very fine, with r
quart of alcohol, 95 per cent; put it in a covered jar, in
a warm place, and let it stand for 8 days; then press,
filter, and bottle for use. A yellow coloring may also
be made of turmeric instead of saffron. Observe the
same proportions, and make in the same way.
5. Color, Purple.
Mi.x lb. elderberries, mashed to a pulp, with i
quart of alcohol, 95 per cent. Macerate in a warm
place for 8 days; then press, filter and bottle for use.
6. Color, Red.
I ounce of finely-powdered cochineal,
drachm of calcinated alum.
Boiled with a quart of water, in an earthen dish; add
I quart of alcohol, 95 per cent, press, filter and bottle
for use.
7. Color. Violet.
1 pint of blue color.
2 pints of red color.
Mix together.
8. Ale, Table.
2 gallons of ground malt.
6 do. water, at 142 degrees heat.
Well stirred together; and let it stand for hour,
draw off the liquid as much as possible; repeat the same
operation with 3 gallons more of the same warm water,
and the same standing. Draw of the liquor again, and
repeat the third time with 3 gallons more, as before;
mix the liquors together, boil them with two ounces of