Cholera CocktaiL
Use Bar Glass.
|ALF a teaspoonful Jamaica ginger;
' half a pony brandy; half a pony
port wine; one and a half ponies cherry
brandy, one and a half ponies blackberry
brandy. Grate nutmeg, and stir in with
spoon. Use no ice.
Chocolate Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass.
©NE fresh egg; one dash bitters; one
portion port wine; one teaspoonful
fine sugar. Fill with ice, shake well, and
strain into a cocktail glass.
Cider Cocktail.
Use Thin Cider Glass.
©NElump cutloaf sugar, saturated with
Boker's bitters; one lump ice; one
small piece lemon peel. Fill with cold
cider, stir with spoon, and serve.