Vital Arctic Graphics
GRID-Arendal produced a series of 40 vital Arctic graphics
in co-operation with the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment
Programme (AMAP).
| www.inac.gc.ca/ncp2
| www.grida.no/amap/assess/soaer-cn.htm3
| www.grida.no/addRussian Arctic Analysis of Gaps in the Network of
Protected Areas
In collaboration with the World Conservation Monitoring
Centre (WCMC) in the UK, GRID-Arendal conducted an
analysis of gaps in the protected areas in the Russian Arc-
tic. This project was in support of the Conservation of Arc-
tic Flora and Fauna's Circumpolar Protected Areas Network
Testing of LLMS
During GRID-Arendal's 10th Anniversary, UNEPnet tested
the LLMS (Little-Leo Messaging System) for potential use in
the remote regions of Arctic Russia. The LLMS offers a low-
cost, world-wide electronic mail service using advanced
communication technology. The system is supported by the
European Space Agency, and targets customers in regions
with little conventional means of communicating.
GRID-Arendal as UNEP's Key Centre on Polar Environmental Assessment
and Early Warning issues with particular focus on the Arctic.
Environment and Health
GRID-Arendal, WHO, the Arctic Council (AMAP) and Arctic
Indigenous peoples (Saami council) have developed a pro-
gramme on Arctic Indigenous Peoples, Environment and
Health. This is a response to the MoU between UNEP and
WHO signed in Arendal and a request from the Arctic
Leaders summit in Moscow in September. UNEP and WHO
will fund the initiation of this programme.
Biodiversity in Arctic Russia (GEF proposal)
GRID-Arendal has worked together with CAFF and the
Russian Federation State Commitee on Environment
Protection to develop a GEF project called Integrated Eco-
system Approach to Conserve Biodiversity and Minimize
Habitat Fragmentation in the Russian Arctic. The full proj-
ect will focus on conserving and ensuring sustainable use
of globally significant biodiversity.
CAFF Gap Analysis
AMAP Vital
This illustrates the simplicity of the LLMS system:
an antenna, a PC and a terminal.
Environmental Information
Capacity Building