For more information, call 708-482-1800 or visit,
fax 708-482-1802 or email:
wheller@thlemont.comServing the Welded Structural Tubing Market
Structural Welded Tubing Mills supplied by T&H Lemont produce a variety of products critical to the Hollow Structural
Sections (HSS) and other related industries throughout the world. Whether manufactured from Carbon or Stainless Steel,
High Frequency or Tig Welded, T&H Lemont welded tube mills have a history of outstanding, reliable performance.
T&H Lemont
5118 Dansher Road
Countryside, IL 60525 USA
Your Structural Tubing
Support System
For more information, call 708-482-1800 or visit,
fax 708-482-1802 or email:
wheller@thlemont.comServing the Welded Structural Tubing Market
Structural Welded Tubing Mills supplied by T&H Lemont produce a variety of products critical to the Hollow Structural
Sections (HSS) and other related industries throughout the world. Whether manufactured from Carbon or Stainless Steel,
High Frequency or Tig Welded, T&H Lemont welded tube mills have a history of outstanding, reliable performance.
T&H Lemont
5118 Dansher Road
Countryside, IL 60525 USA
Your Structural Tubing
Support System
For more information, call 708-482-1800 or visit,
fax 708-482-1802 or email:
wheller@thlemont.c omServing the Welded Structural Tubing Market
Structural Welded Tubing Mills supplied by T&H Lemont produce a variety of products critical to the Hollow Structural
Sections (HSS) and other related industries throughout the world. Whether manufactured from Carbon or Stainless Steel,
High Frequency or Tig Wel
ded, T&H Lemont wel ded tube mills havea history of outstanding, reliable performance.
T&H Lemont
5118 Dansher Road
Countryside, IL 60525 USA
Your Structural Tubing
Support System
For more informati n, call
708-482-1800 or visit,
fax 708-482-1802 or email:
wheller@thlemont.comerving the Welded Structural Tubing Market
Structural Welded Tubing Mills suppli d by T&H Lemont produce a v riety of prod cts critical to the Hollow Structural
Sections (HSS) and other related industries thro
ughout the world. Whether manufactured from Carbon or Stainless Steel,
High Frequency or Tig Wel
ded, T&H Lemont weldedtube mills have a history of outstanding, reliable performance.
T&H Lemont
5118 Dansher Road
Countryside, IL 60525 USA
Your Structural Tubing
Support Syste