Hot Egg Nogg.
Use large bar glass.
One fresh egg.
One tablespoonful of sugar.
One-half wine-glass Cognac.
One-half wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Stir well, add boiling milk while stirring;
grate nutmeg on top and serve.
Sherry Egg Nogg.
Use large bar glass.
Half tablespoonful sugar.
One egg.
One pony glass brandy.
One wine-glass sherry.
Fill up with fine ice, shake well strain into
a fancy bar glass. Serve with nutmeg on
Egg Nogg.
Use large bar glass.
One fresh egg.
Three-quarters tablespoonful sugar.
One-third glassful of ice.
One-third glass Jamaica rum.
One wine-glass brandy.
Fill the glass with rich milk and shake up
the ingredients until they are thoroughly
mixed. Pour the mixture into a goblet ex
cluding the ice, and grate a little nutmeg on
top. This -inay be made by using a wine-glass
of either of the'above mentioned liquors, in
stead of using both combined.
Hot Gin Sling.
Use medium bar glass, hot.
One teaspoonful sugar.
One wine-glass gin.
Fill up with hot water; stir.well, grate a
little nutmeg on top and serve.