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Ethics for Radiation Medicine Professionals


Ethical Thought

» Medical Ethics» Practical Ethics

Ethics Exercise. Scenario 2: Disclosure

An error was made and a patient was underdosed by 2%. Do you tell the patient and/or

their family?



It’s always best to be honest. If I were the patient I would appreciate being

told what happened to me, whether it will really affect my treatment and

how the clinic will make sure it doesn’t happen again.

This error is well within the normal variability of dose delivery so why worry

the patient with information of no consequence.

This clinic prides itself on being open with patients on all matters so I’ll take

the time to tell the patient and answer any questions they have.

The policy says the patient must be informed if the dose error is greater

than 3%. This error was less than 3% so I don’t need to tell them.

Which of the four possible courses of action for each scenario

represents a utilitarian (consequentialist) approach?