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Section 7: Recommendations | May 2017

Sports Market Business Strategy – Morgan Hill, CA

PAGE 100

for the sport. Currently, there are only a handful of large tournament quality venues, mostly located in Florida

or on California’s public beaches. A dedicated sand volleyball facility would fill a facility gap in California and

also nationally for teams that seek warm weather venues for training and competition and result in an

additional sports tourism niche for the City of Morgan Hill.

While indoor facilities may seem counter-intuitive for California, Morgan Hill could be a convenient and

attractive location for colleges, high schools or AAU in the Pacific Northwest or Rocky Mountain region to

practice for a week over winter break or spring break. When the teams aren’t practicing, they typically will

have team social events at local cultural or entertainment establishments. This winter training could take place

at the indoor facility and it is also important to consider the local demand for sports such as volleyball,

basketball, and indoor soccer – another sport that is growing in popularity. Finally, an indoor facility could be

used to host non-sports events such as conferences, trade shows and conventions that can be used as a local

facility or tourism draw on a year round basis.

The baseball/softball regional marketplace, however, is saturated with quality regional facilities. With four

quality tournament facilities located within 50 miles of Morgan Hill, the City should consider addressing local

baseball/softball needs at this time.


Johnson Consulting’s recommendations and strategies are presented in three steps that will, through a

sustained strategy, contribute to the overall strengthening of the sports tourism marketing and activities in

Morgan Hill. The recommendations will also impact local residents through improved facilities and attracting

more visitor dollars to the City. The recommendations are detailed below.

STEP ONE – Create Tourism/Destination Management Organization (DMO)

The City of Morgan Hill is well-positioned to grow its tourism marketing efforts to transform into a

destination, but Morgan Hill cannot yet compete with more established tournament venues nationally, as

these facilities typically benefit from a unified marketing effort from local tourism stakeholders. Hotels,

restaurants, entertainment and recreation venues will all collaborate with sports complexes to create travel

packages for event owners and participants. Often, this effort is led by a Destination Management

Organization (DMO) such as a Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) and/or regional sports commission.

Morgan Hill lacks a cohesive effort from the tourism resources in town, including hotels, and should benefit

from a more unified effort to generate sports tourism and fully leverage its existing assets.

As an initial step, Johnson Consulting recommends the implementation of a DMO and it should include a

specific focus on attracting and creating various sports events for existing and future facilities in Morgan Hill.

Without a designated office coordinating tourism and/or sports tourism efforts it is difficult to generate unity

within in the marketplace. For example, some of the hotels in Morgan Hill do not seem interested in working

with events holders to provide room blocks or hotel rebates for sports tournaments. A sports commission,