Overall registration for Summer camps in S/F 2015 was 27% for with sports camps 11% full
and educational at 77% full. The interest in educational/special interest classes is also
reflected in registration of classes offered throughout the year.
Enrollment for sports camps vary by sport. Soccer camps have low enrollment. Skyhawks
Basketball camp is the most popular sports camp. It was at 58% capacity across the two
sessions offered in S/F 2015. The comparatively high registration rate may be attributed, in
part, to the fact that there are only two basketball camps offered compared to 15 soccer
Youth tennis registration rates are lower in the Summer/Fall than Winter/Spring with an
average registration rate of 14% in W/S 2015 and 22% in S/F 2015. There were with
especially low registration rates for the Outdoor Tiny Tot Tennis classes in S/F and in W/S
especially low registration rates for Indoor Tiny Tot Tennis classes.
There’s interest across Youth Educational and Special Interest offerings throughout the year.
Cooking and Lego Engineering and Robotics classes were especially popular. There is about
10% higher enrollment rates in youth education classes in the Summer/Fall compared to the
Both youth and adult karate classes have higher enrollment in the winter/spring than the
summer/fall. The average enrollment rate for W/S classes is 36% and for S/F classes it’s 10%.
Adult sports are popular. The Men’s Basketball League is nearly at capacity and the co-ed
volleyball and co-ed softball leagues are also popular. Of the adult sports, tennis has the
lowest enrollment at an average class capacity of about 10%.
Adult/teen dance classes have varied levels of popularity based on the type of dance. Hip-hop
dance and ballet have low registration rates and adult tap is the most popular. Dance classes
have higher enrollment in the winter/spring with an average enrollment of 22% across all
classes in W/S 2015 compared to 12% in S/F 2015.
Average enrollment for swim classes is similar throughout the year. Some youth swimming
classes vary in popularity depending on the time of the class, including:
Saturday mornings are especially popular time for swim lessons at all levels throughout the