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Enrollment is lower for 3:45 weekday classes than later classes.

Active recreation classes at the senior center are popular. The Arthritis Foundation Exercis


Program has consistently been the most popular class offered at the center.

The Senior Center’s table game offerings, including puzzles, pool, ping pong and card games

are also popular.

Gaps and Opportunities

The City offers a robust range of recreation programs. However, there are several areas that emerge

as gaps or opportunities for potential additional or revised programming.

Multicultural programs

: While the City’s programs cover a diversity of ages and interests,

there are few programs with a focus on multiculturalism that reflect the Morgan Hill

community’s cultural and ethnic diversity. The CRC Strategic Plan also identified a need for

more language diversity among CRC staff.

Adaptive programs

: The City has limited offerings for programs targeted at people with

disabilities. The 2013 American Community Survey estimates, there are 3,029 (7.8%) people

in Morgan Hill with a disability.

Adult Recreation


Current trends in adult sports programs, include the resurgence of old-

time favorites like wiffleball, dodgeball and kickball, which are making a comeback with the

Gen X and baby boomers


. With the popularity of some of Morgan Hill’s current adult sports

teams, there may be opportunities to offer new sports teams.

Adult programs

: The Senior Center offers a range of enrichment and education programs for

adults over 50-years-old. However, there are limited enrichment and education programs for

younger adults. Additionally, the CRC membership is disproportionately low for 25-34 year-

old, as compared to the surrounding community’s demographics. The Demographic Analysis

revealed that citywide, there are about 23,500 residents in Morgan Hill between the ages of 18


Parks and Recreation Magazine (NRPR). Carrie Madren. “A Sporting Shift,” February 2014.