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An Investor Perception Survey: This was undertaken in 2013

and formed the basis for the development of the RIPS. The survey

was undertaken by the Financial Times and studied 100 investors’

perceptions of the Caribbean. Individual country perception studies

were also undertaken as a part of this work and the information was

shared with each IPA.

Incentives Benchmarking Study: This study was undertaken in 2013

as well with a view to increasing understanding about the region’s

incentives used to attract investors. The study highlighted that the

Caribbean has some of the highest incentives in the world and it

recommended the use of performance based incentives and

claw-back mechanisms grounded in a programme of monitoring the

performance of investors.

Reinvestment Study: This study was undertaken in 2015 with a

survey of 54 regional investors. This activity forms a part of the work

programme with the IDB under the Regional Public Goods

Programme. The overall objective of the study was to develop a

reinvestment programme the Caribbean given that approximately

50% of FDI in developing countries is taking place as reinvestment,

according to UNCTAD, and with the opportunity to develop and

share best practices in reinvestment across the region. A very positive

finding from the survey is that 81% of investors are considering expansion

in the host country and a further 61% of investors are considering

expansion in other countries in the Caribbean. 71% of investors would be

likely or very likely to recommend the host country business climate.

These really positive messages show the great potential for IPAs from the

region to work with existing investors to secure more FDI. The survey also

highlighted the areas in which investors need support from the IPAs and

action plans were developed to increase the IPAs capacity to meet these

needs and target re-investors.

Virtual Meetings: Each year, Caribbean Export purchases a license for

GoToWebinar and GoToMeeting allowing CAIPA members to host virtual

meetings as an Association but the IPAs also use the tool to host meetings

with investors. The tool offers a cost-effective means of reaching

stakeholders and to date CAIPA has hosted 2 webinars, one with a group

of Chinese investors and another with business process outsourcing (BPO

stakeholders in the region. Another is being planned as a follow-up to the

mission to Mexico – with Mexican investors for 2016.

FDI Databases: Seven licenses

were purchased by Caribbean

export for access to

fDiMarkets, one of the largest

databases of investors in the

world. The database is owned

by the Financial Times and all

CAIPA members had access

to the software for a period of

12 months so that information

on strategy investors could

be downloaded and assist in

the targeting efforts. The

subscription was discontinued

due to its high cost.



The inaugural Regional Investor of

the Year Award (RIYA) was held in

Belize on November 22, 2013 as part

of the 4th CAIPA General Assembly.

The award is a collaborative initiative

between CAIPA and Caribbean Export

through funding under the 10th EDF

RPSDP. It recognises and promotes

the contribution of regional, foreign

and local investors to the Caribbean

economy, their ability to create new

jobs, and adherence to high standards

of corporate social responsibility. The

award also recognises investors in

strategic niche areas of importance to

the region, e.g. green energy, research

and development and those that

involve a high degree of innovation

and creativity or are championed by
